Re: GARDNERs response to Learning Task 11

Re: GARDNERs response to Learning Task 11
by Rishneel Narayan - Sunday, 12 June 2022, 6:46 PM

Response to learning task 11.

 ISF21 Foundation Information Systems

Course Learning Outcome

Demonstrate the use of the Internet and apply available web tools to create a webpage.

Topic: Web sign

Intended Learning outcome
   1. Insert lists, tables and images in an HTML document.
   2.  Copy code from and paste code and run from Notepad++
   3. Embed hyperlinks and media on a webpage.
   4. Insert basic tags in HTML.

Intended learning outcome Declarative/ Teaching Activity Student Activity Alignment of TLA/s with its ILO
Functional (Teacher)
Insert lists, tables and images in an HTML document. Declarative The Facilitator demonstrates how to insert list, tables and images in an html document with an example. Work in pairs to complete the task/ activity in exercise. The teaching and learning is aligned to Intended learning outcome.
Seek for assistance if any. Set of instruction are given to students to follow in order to complete the student activity.
Students to conduct internet research download images and explore through w3school for relevant coding. Students to seek assists if any.
Copy code from and paste code and run from Notepad++. Declarative The Facilitator demonstrate how to copy and paste in notepad++.  Moreover, basic steps to follow like how to save and execute as webpage. Students to follow the instructions laid by the facilitator as this will enable them to complete other tasks. The teaching and learning is aligned to Intended learning outcome.
Set of instruction are given to students to follow in order to complete the student activity.
Students to seek assists if any.
Embed hyperlinks and media on a webpage. Declarative The Facilitator demonstrates on how Embed hyperlinks and media on a webpage. Follow examples. Work in pairs to complete the task/ activity in exercise. The teaching and learning is aligned to Intended learning outcome.
Set of instruction are given to students to follow in order to complete the student activity.
Students to seek assists if any.
Insert basic tags in HTML. Declarative The Facilitator demonstrates how to insert basic tags in HTML. Like heading and paragraph. Follow examples.  The teaching and learning is aligned to the Intended learning outcome.
 Work in pairs to complete the task/ activity in exercise. A set of instructions are given to students to follow to complete the student activity.
  Students to seek assists if any.


Write your own HTML/CSS code in Notepad++ to create your Webpages.
Now using your skills learned in Practical 1- Web Design, create the following webpages by following the instructions below.

1. Open Notepad++ Editor. Notepad++ editor is available on Moodle under Assignment 1, which you need to download
and install on your computer.

2. Create your homepage and put the information here that describes who you are. You should create links to four
other webpages. So altogether, you must have five HTML documents/pages.

3. Use the following checklist to complete the design of these three webpages

Marking Rubric 


Poor and ambiguous content.

The webpages lacks purpose and theme. Information is inaccurate or contains significant gaps.

The purpose and the theme of the webpages are vague or unclear. Information is accurate but not always complete. Limited research scope.

The webpages has a clearly stated purpose and theme, but have one or two elements that do not seem to be related to it. Information offers a comprehensive and accurate picture of the topic. Adequate research scope.

The webpages are well stated with clear purpose and theme that is carried out across all pages. In-depth research calls on a wide variety of resources. Content is fresh, original and insightful.

0 point

2.5 points

5 points

8 points

10 points


Poor Layout. The Webpage does follow any consistent layout and is completely random.

The Web pages are cluttered looking or confusing. It is often difficult to locate important elements. Layout does not reflect ideas and content, seems random.

The Web pages have a usable layout, but may appear busy or boring. It is easy to locate most of the important elements. Layout is unimaginative.

The Web pages have an attractive and usable layout. It is easy to locate all important elements. Layout is interesting and appropriate for content.

The Webpages has an exceptionally attractive and usable layout. It is easy to locate all important elements. Layout is creative and attractive and Layout effects and extends the ideas and content.

0 point

2.5 points

5 points

8 points

10 points

GRAPHICS (background, text color, lists, tables white space, images & videos)

Poor or no Graphics.

Graphics seem randomly chosen, are of low quality, OR distract the reader. Poor quality of graphic elements. No sense of purpose for the inclusion of graphic elements. Little or no evidence of design principles. Only 1 or no image used.

Graphics are related to the theme/purpose of the site, and are of good quality. Inconsistent quality of graphic elements. Graphics are used as âadd - onâsâ rather than as an element of meaning. Some awareness of graphic design principles is evident. At least 1 image used.

Graphics are related to the theme/purpose of the site, are of good quality and enhance reader interest or understanding. Graphic elements are good quality. Graphic elements contribute to meaning. Graphic design principles are followed. At least 1 image used.

Graphics are related to the theme/purpose of the site, are thoughtfully cropped, are of high quality and enhance reader interest or understanding. Creative design causes backgrounds and other formatting elements to work exceptionally well together. Graphic elements are used in imaginative and effective way. Minimum of 2 images used.

0 point

1 point

3 points

5 points

8 points


Very poor selection of fonts styles and sizes.

A wide variety of fonts, styles and point sizes was used.

The fonts are consistent but point size varies inappropriately for headings and text for different pages.

The fonts are consistent, easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text for most pages.

The fonts are consistent, easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text for all pages. Use of font styles is used consistently and improves readability.

0 point

1 point

2 points

3.5 points

5 points


No Map embedded.

Google Map image is used instead and aligned to some extent.

Google Map is inserted and aligned to some extent.

Google Map embedded with very good professional outlook. The map is easy to follow and aligned nicely.

Google Map embedded with best professional outlook in the correct page. The map is very easy to follow and aligned professionally.

0 point

1 point

2 points

3 points

4 points


The site does not contain any videos.

At least two videos embedded. Videos are somewhat aligned with content and layout of the webpage. The videos are somewhat relevant to the topic on that page.

At least three videos embedded. Videos are aligned nicely with content and layout of the webpage. The videos are relevant and specific to the topic on that page.

Videos are aligned nicely with content and layout of the webpage. The videos are relevant and specific to the topic on that page. At least 5 videos are embedded in the entire website.

All videos are aligned perfectly with content and layout of the webpage. The videos are relevant and specific to the topic on that page. At least 7 videos are embedded in the entire website.

0 point

1 point

2 points

3.5 points

5 points


Used some other web editing tool. No Evidence of coding.

Codes on all pages are messy and very difficult to follow. No comments used and broken styles.

Codes on all pages are clear but not so easy to follow. Indented to some extent. Appropriate use of HTML elements & used mostly inline style.

Codes on all pages are clear and easy to follow. Well indented with comments. Appropriate use of HTML/CSS elements & used mostly internal style (CSS) or inline style.

Codes on all pages are clear and easy to follow. Perfectly indented with clear comments. Perfect use of HTML/CSS elements & either used external or internal style (CSS) correctly.

0 point

2.5 points

5 points

7.5 points

10 points


The readings do not make any sense.

There are more than 5 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

There are 4 - 5 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

There are 1 - 3 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

There are no errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

0 point

1 point

2 points

3 points

4 points


Content sources cannot be comprehended.

Information presented are randomly selected from external sources with no or broken links. Data cannot be comprehended

All information presented are from external sources and embedded directly from source sites. Data is incomplete.

A good blend of original and external sources. Elements used from external sources are extracted and embedded directly from source sites.

All images/audio/video/data are balanced between original and external sources. Elements used from external sources are extracted and embedded directly from source sites.

0 point

1 point

2 points

4 points

5 points


None of the instructions were followed.

Very few instructions were followed.

Some instructions were followed.

Most of the instructions were followed consistently.

All instructions have been followed thoroughly and consistently.

0 point

1 point

2 points

3 points

4 points


After seven days

Within seven days.

Within four days.

Within two days.

On or before time.

0 point

1 point

2 points

3 points

5 points


Rubrics help students, parents and teacher identify what quality work is. Students can judge their own work and accept more responsibility of the final product. Rubrics help the teaching staff to easily explain to the student why they got the grade that they received. When students are given the rubrics prior to the task, the studentsâ success is not left purely to chance. Since expectations and requirements are clearly identified on rubrics, students can understand where they need to work to improve their results. A well-designed rubric allows teachers to compare a studentâs performance or product to what it should be rather than to another studentâs performance.


Andrade, H., & Ying, D. (2005). Student perspectives on rubric-referenced assessment. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 10(3), 1-11.

 Arter, J. & McTighe, J. (2001). Scoring Rubrics in the Classroom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Brookhart, S. M., and Chen, F. (2015). The quality and effectiveness of descriptive rubrics. Educ. Rev. 67, 343â368. doi: 10.1080/00131911.2014.929565




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