Re: Inclusive Education

Re: Inclusive Education
by Rishneel Narayan - Sunday, 26 June 2022, 8:19 PM
Inclusive education is a movement that aims to provide all children with the same educational opportunities. It involves the inclusion of all students, regardless of their academic abilities. This concept has been supported by many parents, especially those who have special education children. They believe that their kids have the right to be in a regular classroom.
Unfortunately, inclusive education is often associated with placing special needs students in regular classrooms. This concept has created a lot of practical questions for teachers. Despite the positive effects of this movement, the lack of support staff and funding has also made it difficult for them to implement it.
Besides having the necessary support staff, it is also important that teachers are knowledgeable about the concept of inclusive education. A review of studies revealed that many of them have either negative or neutral attitudes about the concept. This is because they do not feel that they are capable of effectively educating special needs students.
The early interventions that are available are as follows:
•Peer-assisted learning strategies, class-wide peer tutoring, and self-management interventions have been recognized by scholars of EBD as effective in increasing levels of student engagement and achievement. Nelson, (2001).
• Form the characteristics of targeted students, so that students are given special attention to their learning.
•Changing the classroom setting or school environment for creative learning to take place.
• Conduct research work to work out possible ways and methods to curb behavioral disorders amongst students.
•Apply the practice through effective teaching and learning process. This can be carried out by using different methods of teaching and approach to student learning and delivering skills.
•Close monitoring to be done when it comes to the mode of behavior of the students to get the outcomes.
•Having strict rules and regulations for exams Zero tolerance of misconduct or have grade offense policy that can be followed through the channel of communication based on the mode of behavior and discipline.
•Allow students to do self-monitoring and evaluation and find their own errors and correct them. (Self-management practice) (Masi& Favilla, 2000)
Having the proper strategies in place for inclusive education can be very time-consuming, but it is also important to remember that it can help children feel successful and happy in the classroom.
Link for inclusive education

Masi, G., & Favilla, L. (2000), Somatic symptoms in children and adolescents referred for emotional and behavioral disorders. Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes, 63(2), 153-160.

Nelson, R. J. (2001), Sources of occupational stress for teachers of students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Journal of Emotional & Behavioral Disorders, 9, 123-131. Retrieved October 10, 2016, from


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