Collection: Learning_Journey ED401

Discipline Expert

Re: GARDNERs response to Learning Task 9

Re: GARDNERs response to Learning Task 9
by Rishneel Narayan - Saturday, 28 May 2022, 12:43 PM
Learning Task 9

Good Afternoon Team
Thank you Farid for the summary.
A concept map is a graphic representation of a student's knowledge. Having students create these maps can help you gain a deeper understanding of how their knowledge is organized. It can also help you assess their knowledge of course material. Concept mapping is an important tool used in teaching and learning to help students understand the basic concepts and the relationships between them.
I have developed the following course map for my course:
Course code: ISF21
Course Name: Foundation Information System
Topic: Programming and Languages
Learning Outcome
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. Define programming and describe the six steps of programming.
2. Compare design tools including top-down design, pseudocode, flowcharts, and logic structures.
3. Describe program testing and the tools for finding and removing errors.
4. Describe CASE tools and object-oriented software development.
5. Explain the five generations of programming languages.

The software that I used to design the concept map is called camp.
The concept map above highlights the six phases of programming with relevant activities and five generations of languages. Concept maps are especially useful for students who are good at visual learning, but they are beneficial for all types of learners. It's a powerful learning strategy because it helps you get the big picture. Concept maps help you classify information based on meaningful connections by starting with high-level concepts. So, concept mapping is a very helpful tool.

Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation (2022), Using Concept Maps - Eberly Center - Carnegie Mellon University. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 May 2022].
Yong Jiang, Chuchu Zheng. (2021) New Methods to Support Effective Collaborative Reflection Among Kindergarten Teachers: An Action Research Approach. Early Childhood Education Journal 49:2, pages 247-258.



Cultural Context

Problem-based structure


Inclusive Education

Re: Inclusive Education
by Rishneel Narayan - Sunday, 26 June 2022, 8:19 PM
Inclusive education is a movement that aims to provide all children with the same educational opportunities. It involves the inclusion of all students, regardless of their academic abilities. This concept has been supported by many parents, especially those who have special education children. They believe that their kids have the right to be in a regular classroom.
Unfortunately, inclusive education is often associated with placing special needs students in regular classrooms. This concept has created a lot of practical questions for teachers. Despite the positive effects of this movement, the lack of support staff and funding has also made it difficult for them to implement it.
Besides having the necessary support staff, it is also important that teachers are knowledgeable about the concept of inclusive education. A review of studies revealed that many of them have either negative or neutral attitudes about the concept. This is because they do not feel that they are capable of effectively educating special needs students.
The early interventions that are available are as follows:
•Peer-assisted learning strategies, class-wide peer tutoring, and self-management interventions have been recognized by scholars of EBD as effective in increasing levels of student engagement and achievement. Nelson, (2001).
• Form the characteristics of targeted students, so that students are given special attention to their learning.
•Changing the classroom setting or school environment for creative learning to take place.
• Conduct research work to work out possible ways and methods to curb behavioral disorders amongst students.
•Apply the practice through effective teaching and learning process. This can be carried out by using different methods of teaching and approach to student learning and delivering skills.
•Close monitoring to be done when it comes to the mode of behavior of the students to get the outcomes.
•Having strict rules and regulations for exams Zero tolerance of misconduct or have grade offense policy that can be followed through the channel of communication based on the mode of behavior and discipline.
•Allow students to do self-monitoring and evaluation and find their own errors and correct them. (Self-management practice) (Masi& Favilla, 2000)
Having the proper strategies in place for inclusive education can be very time-consuming, but it is also important to remember that it can help children feel successful and happy in the classroom.
Link for inclusive education

Masi, G., & Favilla, L. (2000), Somatic symptoms in children and adolescents referred for emotional and behavioral disorders. Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes, 63(2), 153-160.

Nelson, R. J. (2001), Sources of occupational stress for teachers of students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Journal of Emotional & Behavioral Disorders, 9, 123-131. Retrieved October 10, 2016, from

Course audit and redesign

The course audit and redesign is an opportunity for you to review your current course’s curriculum with the intention to improve it further ensuring that the curriculum is constructively aligned.

ISF21 -Course audit and redesign

GARDNERs response to Learning Task 5

GARDNERs response to Learning Task 5
by Rishneel Narayan - Thursday, 21 April 2022, 7:40 PM

Good Evening Team

This week, I'd like to take the lead in our group discussion. Please feel free to make any comments on my summary.


The term curriculum refers to the academic content that is taught in a school or program. Depending on the type of curriculum that's used by an educator, it can refer to the various elements of a course that are designed to help students reach their learning goals. These include the learning standards that students are expected to meet, the assignments that they are required to complete, and the materials that are used in a course. For instance, a teacher's curriculum might contain the various elements of a course that are designed to help students reach their learning goals. The curriculum is similar to the term course in that it contains the academic content that's taught in a given course. It serves as a list of what a student should learn in order to graduate from an educational institution. Aside from the academic content, the curriculum can also refer to the various lessons that are taught in a given course. For instance, a course outline might contain the various lessons that are covered in Computing (Su,2012).

According Fraser and Bosanquet (2006), revealed that there are four separate categories of description, each of which conceptualizes the curriculum as

First Category: The curriculum is the structure and content of the unit

What is taught in each unit or subject, as expressed in the unit outline, defines the curriculum.

Second category: The curriculum is the structure and the content of a programme of study

Curriculum refers to a course of study that includes numerous units: '[Curriculumis] a specified course of studies.'

Third Category: The curriculum is the studentsâ experience of learning

The content and delivery of a unit, as well as its structure within the overall program, are all important aspects of the curriculum, but they are just one component of a larger process.

Fourth Category: The curriculum is a dynamic and interactive process of learning

The content and delivery of a unit, as well as its structure within the overall program, are all important aspects of the curriculum, but they are just one component of a larger process.


Hidden curriculum

The hidden curriculum refers to unforeseen events that are not part of any documented curriculum. This is a term used to describe learning that is not intentionally intended by instructors. The hidden curriculum is formed by the instructor's attitudes, norms, beliefs, values, and assumptions, which are frequently in the form of common sense knowledge that the teacher takes for granted.

The Curriculum as a Cultural Context

The content of every curriculum is driven by culture, which is an important aspect of curriculum planning. This is because the purpose of education is to pass on a society's cultural history to its younger generations. Education is used to maintain and modify the culture. It is thought that whenever educational institutions do a good job of fulfilling their responsibilities, they have an impact on society's culture. What individuals do feel, and believe must be reflected in the curriculum (Offorma, 2016).


Fundamental Questions of curriculum

The challenges draw attention to the curriculum creation process as a problem-solving exercise. The teacher is an information processor who decides what information should be included, a manager who decides how to organize learning activities and assessments, and a decision-maker and problem solver who makes critical decisions about what to teach, how to teach it, and how to assess learning.

Curriculum development

It is the process of developing, executing, and evaluating learning opportunities with the goal of bringing about desired changes in learners.

Curriculum design

It is concerned with how curricular parts are organized to create a coherent learning experience.

Foundation Disciplines of Curriculum

The forces that shape curriculum developers' thoughts are known as foundations. They have an impact on the curriculum's content and organization in this way. The curriculum is built on the needs, knowledge, and information of society. Below are some of the disciplines of curriculum.



Learning task 5

Curriculum, in my viewpoint, is the plan for how teachers will teach and what students will learn. These include the learning standards that students are expected to meet, the assignments that they are required to complete, and the materials that are used in a course. For instance, the course outline contains assignments, study schedules, course learning outcomes and so on.


âTo influence Pacific Islanders through the pursuit of excellence in knowledge by providing world-class education and research that improves the lives of individuals and communities.â


After reading through the USP mission, it can be concluded that USP focus on Pacific Islanders. In ISF21, I will ensure that what students learned is actually applied to the real-life (Pacific context) where possible. For example, the topicâ of word processing â is generally about creating a variety of documents including resumes, flyers and much more. In this process, I will provide a real-life scenario relating to the Pacific context and instruct them to create a flyer.

Finally, it is important to understand students' cultural backgrounds in order to improve their learning outcomes, but it is also necessary to take advantage of their cultural distinctions. Students might learn that there are many solutions and viewpoints on the same problem or topic if they attend lessons in a culturally diverse classroom.


Su, S.(2012) The Various Concepts of Curriculum and the Factors Involved in Curricula-making, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 153-158.

Fraser, S. P and Bosanquet, A. M (2006), The curriculum? Thatâs just a unit outline, isnât it?, Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 31, No. 3, June 2006, pp. 269â284

Offorma, G. C. (2016), Integrating components of culture in curriculum planning, International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, Volume 8, No. 1, pp. 1-8.





Concept Map

Re: GARDNERs response to Learning Task 9
by Rishneel Narayan - Saturday, 28 May 2022, 12:43 PM
Learning Task 9

Good Afternoon Team
Thank you Farid for the summary.
A concept map is a graphic representation of a student's knowledge. Having students create these maps can help you gain a deeper understanding of how their knowledge is organized. It can also help you assess their knowledge of course material. Concept mapping is an important tool used in teaching and learning to help students understand the basic concepts and the relationships between them.
I have developed the following course map for my course:
Course code: ISF21
Course Name: Foundation Information System
Topic: Programming and Languages
Learning Outcome
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. Define programming and describe the six steps of programming.
2. Compare design tools including top-down design, pseudocode, flowcharts, and logic structures.
3. Describe program testing and the tools for finding and removing errors.
4. Describe CASE tools and object-oriented software development.
5. Explain the five generations of programming languages.

The software that I used to design the concept map is called camp.
The concept map above highlights the six phases of programming with relevant activities and five generations of languages. Concept maps are especially useful for students who are good at visual learning, but they are beneficial for all types of learners. It's a powerful learning strategy because it helps you get the big picture. Concept maps help you classify information based on meaningful connections by starting with high-level concepts. So, concept mapping is a very helpful tool.

Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation (2022), Using Concept Maps - Eberly Center - Carnegie Mellon University. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 May 2022].
Yong Jiang, Chuchu Zheng. (2021) New Methods to Support Effective Collaborative Reflection Among Kindergarten Teachers: An Action Research Approach. Early Childhood Education Journal 49:2, pages 247-258.




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