My relection on eportfolio activty 4&5

The library of congress classification system was developed in the late 19th century to organize and arrange the books collection of the library of congress. The system divides all information into 21 fundamental classes, each distinguished by a solitary letter of the alphabet. The greater part of these sequential classes are additionally separated into more explicit subclasses, recognized by two-letter, or incidentally three-letter, combinations. This classification type is used in many libraries across the world and it is also used at The University of the South Pacific’s library .

The topics covered this week and the weeks before taught us students we can use different search techniques to find the data or information needed for our research, the search techniques are helpful as it helps to either broaden or narrow up the results e.g. Boolean and field searching. This activity has been helpful to gain knowledge as searching for data and reliable websites or other sources becomes easier with keywords and focus words so that we can get the most relevant information that is shown to us.

It is better to identify what information or data is needed then develop appropriate search strategies using the keywords and focus words of the given topic.


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