Collection: s11188483 Shruti Prasad UU100 LEARNING JOURNEY


This page houses Introductions, Solution Files, Reflections and Artifacts for ePortfolio Activities 4&5 & 6.


This page houses Introductions, Solution Files, Reflections and Artifacts for ePortfolio Activities 4&5 & 6.


In Eportfolio 4 & 5 I learnt about different classification systems and how to use search strategies to get the most accurate results regarding your allocation research topic.

ePORTFOLIO ACTIVITY 4&5 (Embed ePA4&5 PDF solution file here)

My relection on eportfolio activty 4&5

The library of congress classification system was developed in the late 19th century to organize and arrange the books collection of the library of congress. The system divides all information into 21 fundamental classes, each distinguished by a solitary letter of the alphabet. The greater part of these sequential classes are additionally separated into more explicit subclasses, recognized by two-letter, or incidentally three-letter, combinations. This classification type is used in many libraries across the world and it is also used at The University of the South Pacific’s library .

The topics covered this week and the weeks before taught us students we can use different search techniques to find the data or information needed for our research, the search techniques are helpful as it helps to either broaden or narrow up the results e.g. Boolean and field searching. This activity has been helpful to gain knowledge as searching for data and reliable websites or other sources becomes easier with keywords and focus words so that we can get the most relevant information that is shown to us.

It is better to identify what information or data is needed then develop appropriate search strategies using the keywords and focus words of the given topic.


ePA4&5 - CREATIVE CONTENT (Instruction Block - Delete After Use)



In Eportfolio 6 we learned to use pinterest, creating personal boards and finding informative posts which can be saved and pinned. we created boards named "Educational Apps" and "Cyber threats" and learned about malware that was previously unknown to us nd ways to protect your computer from the malware.

ePORTFOLIO ACTIVITY 6 (Embed ePA6 PDF solution file here)

MY REFLECTION ON ePORTFOLIO ACTIVTY 6 (Instruction Block - Delete After Use)

Web presence is important for individuals. For people who are enterprenuers, it is important for them to maintain web presence if they want to boosts their sales and enhance performance. 

For students it is important as they should update themselves with the recet and new information that is available daily as the internet is very useful because alot and anything can be done just by having access to the internet.

You must be persistent during technical issues to be a critical online learner and also have basic technical skills, communcation skills, and good time management skills.

ePA6 - CREATIVE CONTENT (Instruction Block - Delete After Use)



1. Recognise the structure of information, i.e. how it is produced, organised and disseminated.

  • Topic 6
  • I understood the importance of online presentations

2. Apply appropriate techniques in formulating effective search strategies to locate relevant information resources.

  • Topic 7
  • learnt how to navigate the web

3. Navigate and utilise the Web, the USP Library website, the USP Library catalogue, and an online database subscribed by the USP Library to locate relevant and scholarly information resources.

  • Topic,7, 8, 9
  • Learnt how to search for specific results efficiently

4. Use appropriate referencing software and tools.

  • Topic 9
  • learnt how to use proquest features

5. Critically evaluate information resources and synthesize information in academic writings.

  • Topic 10
  • Learnt theimportance of using information as resource.


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