Collection: s11188483 Shruti Prasad UU100 LEARNING JOURNEY


This page houses Introductions, Solution Files, Reflections and Artifacts for ePortfolio Activities 1, 2 & 3.


This page houses Introductions, Solution Files, Reflections and Artifacts for ePortfolio Activities 1, 2 & 3.


This activity was based on topics one two and three. It focused on the aspects of basic computer skills. It covered software and hardware components of a computer system and usp ICT TOOLS.

ePORTFOLIO ACTIVITY 1 (Embed ePA1 PDF solution file here)

MY REFLECTION ON ePORTFOLIO ACTIVTY 1 (Instruction Block - Delete After Use)

the moodle platform is USP's official learning management system. The platform is a learning environment that has features such as drop boxes, discussion forums, turnitin. Course updates are given by coordinates which makes it easier for students to be up to date with their academic work for their particular units.

Turnitin is a plagiarism tool that generates a similarity index upon the submission of assignments to the required drop box. The standard similarity index for uploading assignments at USP is 20%.

Mahara is a online server that allows student to document their work and use various features. Mahara is an online tool which allows to create, edit, process, move and upload/ publish their work.

Eportfolio will enable us to learn and expand our knowledge as mahara provides features such as discussion forums and social networking through which a person would be able to share ideas and communicate.

Ggoogle apps enables us to access a variety of features of many applications that are available on google play. the USP app for example can be download from the google play store on any android device. The app gives updates on important dates and university announcements, also has a map feature that helps students to find rooms for their respective classes. Other google play app which tutors and students have recently used for online classes is zoom.

There have been a number of browsers since the first browser was created back in 1990. google chrome is the most used browser today. the internet is a major source of information for every student or individual for any purpose


ePA1 - CREATIVE CONTENT (Instruction Block - Delete After Use)

New Project (68)(76).jpg


EPORTFOLIO 2 was based on excel spreadsheet; creating pivot charts and pivot table using the social media threats data.


ePORTFOLIO ACTIVITY 2 (Display ePA2 Excel solution file link here)

MY REFLECTION ON ePORTFOLIO ACTIVTY 2 (Instruction Block - Delete After Use)

Eportfolio activity 2 was based on excel spreadsheet where data was provided on social networking threats. The activity was to create pivot tables and pivot charts. 

Excel spreadsheets allow us to create pivot tables and charts with exceptionally large quantities of data. Pivot tables are a huge help to those wanting to summarise large quantities of data provided they know how to create those tables and charts but again its quite helpful as it is not hard to learn how to create them. 

Apart from pivot chart and tables there are other functions of excel which are helpful to store data and information. 

spreadsheet formulas -enable us to analyse and calculate data eg. average , count numbers.

find and replace- helping to find the needed data and also replace if needed.

password protection- users can protect their workbooks from unauthorized excess by setting passwords.

data sorting- excel allows data to be sorted in ascending and descending order.

automatic updating- excel updates results of data when changes are made to any other cells that are linked.

conditional formatting- excel allows us to format text and change styles in a way that maybe appealing or helps understand the information that is added or presented.

In summary, excel is a great software programme for users who need store data and analyse them for academic or any kind of research.

ePA2 - CREATIVE CONTENT (Instruction Block - Delete After Use)



In ePortfolio 3 we learnt about the different types of computer systems and what to look for first when buying one among with identifying computer parts and networks.

ePORTFOLIO ACTIVITY 3 (Embed ePA3 PDF solution file here)

My reflection on epa 3

this journal reflects knowledge frrom topic 5, 

some factors to consider apart from hardware specifications are , 

- price of the pc- if its affordable or not

-waranty - in case of any issues regarding the pc

- the brand , a branded pc would ensure quality thus a good investment for a couple of years. 

- if the pc suits your needs( fit for its purpose)

ePA3 - CREATIVE CONTENT (Instruction Block - Delete After Use)




1. Access and use USP’s ICT resources available on-campus and off-campus.

  • Topic 1- web activity 1& 2 
  • i got to learn about ePortfolios and familiarized myself with moodle.

2. Identify and use different features of a computer system.

  • Topic 2
  • learnt how to upload files, scan, zip and unzip.

3. Use computer applications for creating documents, presentations and spreadsheets.

  • Topic 4 &11
  • Developed skills on how to use features of excel to create professional looking presentations.

4. Familiarize with emerging web-based technologies for educational and social purposes.

  • Topic 12
  • learnt about 2.0 web tools

5. Recognise the legal, socio-economic and ethical issues regarding access to and use of information technology and information resources.

  • Topic 6
  • Learnt about information, data, wisdom, and knowledge.



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