Collection: My ED403 ePortfolio

ED403 Learning Journey

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Arishnil Bali's profile picture


The journey of ED403 will always be cherished. It was an honor to be part of team Jonassen, where I was constantly motivated by my fellow hardworking members.

After completion of ED402 last semester, this course of ED403 has further enhanced my understanding and approach towards higher education. Every week, there was something new to look forward to learn and give my personal opinion in the discussion forum. 

A lot of teaching and learning resources were provided that helped me deal with innovations in learning technologies. This has definitely helped me as an academic professional. 

My sincere gratitude towards Dr. Shika and team Jonassen for their endless support throughout this course. A very remarkable learning journey indeed.


The ED403 learning journey has helped me in achieving the following Domains of the Quality of Teaching (QoT):

Domain 1: Student Developer

Domain 2: Pedagogical Innovator

Domain 3: Discipline Expert

Domain 4: Community of Practice 




My ED403 ePortfolio

ED403 Learning Journey

Student Developer

Student Developer

Pedagogical Innovator

Pedagogical Innovator

Discipline Expert

Discipline Expert

Community of Practice

Community of Practice


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