Collection: Faheem Hussein CS001

My learning style

Year 2 Semester 1: What is my learning style?

  1. Visual Learners: Visual learners prefer learning through visual aids such as diagrams, charts, and graphs. They benefit from seeing information presented in a visual format. As a software engineering student, you might find it helpful to use visual tools like flowcharts, mind maps, or visual programming languages to understand concepts.

  2. Auditory Learners: Auditory learners learn best through listening and speaking. They understand information better when it is explained verbally. As a software engineering student, you can benefit from attending lectures, participating in discussions, and explaining concepts to others. Additionally, recording and listening to programming-related discussions or explanations might be helpful.

  3. Read/Write Learners: Read/write learners prefer written information, such as textbooks, articles, and note-taking. They often excel in written assignments and note-taking during lectures. As a software engineering student, you might find it beneficial to read textbooks, online resources, and document your understanding through writing, note-taking, and summarizing key points.

  4. Kinesthetic Learners: Kinesthetic learners learn best through hands-on experiences, physical activities, and practical applications. They benefit from interactive learning, such as coding exercises, projects, and experiments. As a software engineering student, you can engage in coding challenges, build projects, and participate in internships or practical experiences to reinforce your learning.

  5. Multimodal Learners: Some individuals have a combination of learning styles and prefer to use multiple senses and methods to learn effectively. They adapt their learning style based on the situation or subject matter. As a software engineering student, you might find it helpful to explore different approaches, incorporating visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinaesthetic techniques as appropriate for different topics.

Reflection (STARL-P)

Situation: As a software engineering student, I was assigned to a group project that involved developing a web application for a client. The project required collaboration with team members, adhering to project timelines, and implementing various software engineering principles and technologies.

Task: The task was to create a user-friendly and scalable web application that met the client's requirements. It involved understanding the project scope, designing the system architecture, implementing the frontend and backend functionalities, conducting thorough testing, and ensuring successful deployment.

Action: To complete the task, I collaborated with my team members to divide the workload and allocate responsibilities based on each individual's expertise. We held regular meetings to discuss progress, address challenges, and make collective decisions. I actively participated in discussions, shared ideas, and contributed to the project's technical implementation.

Throughout the development process, I utilized my programming skills and knowledge of web technologies to build the frontend interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks. For the backend, I implemented a robust server using a suitable programming language and database management system. I followed software engineering best practices, including version control with Git, writing clean and maintainable code, and conducting unit testing.

Result/Reflect: As a result of our collaborative efforts, we successfully delivered the web application that met the client's requirements within the given timeline. The application was user-friendly, responsive, and performed well under various load conditions. We received positive feedback from the client, indicating their satisfaction with the end product.

Reflecting on the experience, I realized the importance of effective teamwork, communication, and proper task allocation. Our regular meetings and open discussions enabled us to resolve conflicts, address technical challenges, and make informed decisions. It reinforced the significance of collaboration in software engineering projects and how it contributes to overall success.

Learning/Planning: From this experience, I learned the following key lessons:

  1. Effective collaboration and communication are vital for successful software engineering projects. Regular meetings, open discussions, and a shared understanding of goals help align the team and address challenges efficiently.

  2. Adhering to software engineering best practices, such as version control, clean coding, and thorough testing, ensures the development of a robust and maintainable application.

  3. Breaking down the project into manageable tasks and allocating responsibilities based on team members' skills and expertise leads to a more efficient workflow and better outcomes.

  4. Reflecting on the project's success and challenges provides valuable insights for future projects. It helps identify areas for improvement, such as enhancing coding skills or exploring additional technologies relevant to the project.

Based on these learnings, I plan to continue developing my collaboration and communication skills, stay updated with emerging technologies, and apply best practices in future software engineering projects to enhance the quality and efficiency of my work.

Artefacts (evidence to show accomplishment of learning outcomes)

As a software engineering student, there are several artifacts you can use to demonstrate your accomplishment of the learning outcomes for a module. Here are some examples:

  1. Project Documentation: Include artifacts such as project requirements documents, system architecture diagrams, design documents, and user manuals. These demonstrate your ability to analyze requirements, design software systems, and effectively communicate technical information.

  2. Code Samples: Provide snippets or excerpts of your code that highlight your programming skills, adherence to coding standards, and understanding of software engineering principles. Include code that showcases your ability to implement algorithms, handle data structures, and utilize appropriate design patterns.

  3. Testing Artifacts: Include test plans, test cases, and test reports that demonstrate your proficiency in software testing. Show how you developed and executed comprehensive test suites, identified and resolved issues, and ensured the quality of your software.

  4. Project Showcase: If you have a web application or software project, create a demonstration or video showcasing the functionality, user interface, and features you implemented. This provides a visual representation of your work and can effectively demonstrate your accomplishment of the module's learning outcomes.

  5. Version Control History: Share your Git or other version control system history to showcase your ability to manage source code, track changes, collaborate with teammates, and effectively use version control tools.

  6. Academic Assignments: If you have completed assignments as part of the module, include well-performed assignments that demonstrate your understanding of concepts, problem-solving abilities, and application of software engineering principles.

  7. Reflections or Reports: Write a reflective essay or report that discusses your learning journey throughout the module. Explain how you achieved the learning outcomes, reflect on challenges faced, highlight accomplishments, and identify areas for further growth and improvement.

  8. Peer Feedback: Include feedback received from peers or instructors, highlighting their positive assessments of your work, such as code reviews, project evaluations, or peer assessments. This demonstrates your ability to work effectively in a team and receive recognition for your contributions.


Anjali Singh
05 June 2023, 4:55 PM

Very well done.

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