Collection: Faheem Hussein CS001


Year 4 Semester 1: What professional capabilities do I need and what professional capabilities do I have?

Rationale: Building on the work the previous year, to consider what personal knowledge, skills and attitudes might be required for a career as a professional.

  • Consider the type of job you might be interested in doing after you graduate.
  • Identify SFIA skill definitions (both generic and specialist) at level 3 that might be relevant to the type of job.
  • From your experiences in your project or work in industry, consider what attitudes additional to your SFIA skills you might require to be considered a professional.
  • Revise your document from second semester last year identifying the skills you have, and the skills and attitudes you need to acquire, for the job you might be interested in doing after you graduate.
  • Locate artefacts and link to them as evidence in support of your assessment.

Commitment: 10 to 20 hours.


Artefacts (evidence to show accomplishment of learning outcomes)


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