Collection: Faheem Hussein CS001

My personality type

Year 2 - Semester 2: What is my personality type? What is my belief system?

Having a caring and empathic disposition while excelling in one's chosen interests is a very exceptional and impressive personality feature. Kindness is a fundamental attribute that promotes peaceful relationships and adds to the general well-being of people we interact with. It becomes a tremendous force for good when combined with a strong dedication to mastery in one's profession. Being successful at what you do demands a commitment to lifelong learning, self-improvement, and producing extraordinary outcomes. It symbolizes a never-ending quest of greatness that not only helps the individual but also has a good influence on the environment.

As a person, I've discovered that my proclivity for understanding and interacting with others has immensely enhanced my life. I frequently play the role of a social butterfly, actively seeking out connections and enjoying the art of communication. This proclivity helps me to delve deeply into the human experience, respecting other points of view and forging significant connections. Understanding individuals around me is a source of true fulfillment because it allows me to be a source of support, empathy, and collaboration.

Kindness, expertise, and friendliness not only push me to personal and professional success, but also enable me to make a good difference in the lives of people I meet. In a world filled with difficulties and uncertainties, these characteristics serve as guiding principles, assisting in the creation of a more peaceful and rewarding environment for everybody.


The combination of compassion and brilliance in one's life demonstrates the potency of good character qualities. Kindness, in particular, is a characteristic I cherish because it develops a feeling of community and empathy, both of which may bridge even the most chasms between individuals. To me, being excellent at what you do is about more than simply personal accomplishment; it is also about a dedication to greatness that benefits not only yourself but people who rely on your skills. It is a pledge to always learn, progress, and give your all to the world.

As someone who naturally gravitates toward social connections and finds joy in talking, I feel that knowing the people around me is crucial. Through these exchanges, I've realized the breadth and complexity of the human experience, as well as the enormous significance of true connections. My belief system is based on the notion that these ties, based on compassion and competence, are the foundation of a healthy and successful society.

These characteristics serve as a guiding light for me in a world that frequently appears fragmented and riddled with difficulties. They remind me that our activities, whether tiny acts of kindness or succeeding in our chosen fields, may have a big impact. It is more than simply a reflection of my ideals; it is a committed route to building a society that is not just more compassionate, but also more prosperous and gratifying for everybody.

Artefacts (evidence to show accomplishment of learning outcomes)

The video below has been a source of inspiration for the personality that I have acquired. Thus this provides a source of evidence for my personality and reflection. 

My Personality Test



Given below is a quote that has always guided me to be kind and caring about those around me.

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. Robert Louis Stevenson


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